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Taekwon-Do Programs

Edwards Martial Arts Academy is currently offering the following Taekwon-Do class options for new students.


These programs are currently being offered at a substantially reduced rate. This reduced rate will apply to all current and future programs for as long as you're with Edwards Martial Arts Academy, so lock in your rate now.

Class sizes will also be limited, so don't wait.

Taekwon-Do Kids (3 - 8)

The Taekwon-Do Kids Program at Edwards Martial Arts Academy utilizes a child's natural inclination to play and have fun to introduce them to Martial Arts. We divide the Kids program into two groups; our Mini-Tigers (3 - 5) and Tigers (6 - 8)


Your child will be having fun but at the same time they'll be learning the fundamentals of Taekwon-Do, getting exercise and learning important life skills.


Taekwon-Do Juniors (9 - 12)

The Taekwon-Do Juniors Program at Edwards Martial Arts Academy, like the Kids Program, still utilizes a child's natural inclination to play and have fun to introduce them to Martial Arts, it's just done with more age appropriate games and activities. 

We take advantage of your child's longer attention span and better coordination skills to introduce them to more advanced skills and concepts at a faster rate than we can in the Kids Program. 

Beginners Taekwon-Do

The Beginners Taekwon-Do Program at Edwards Martial Arts Academy is designed for anyone that's looking for an activity to improve your confidence, strength, flexibility, fitness level and overall well being while at the same time learning self-defense. 

Once you complete the Beginners Taekwon-Do Program you'll be able to enroll in more advanced class options on your progression towards Black Belt and have the opportunity to compete Nationally and Internationally through the International Taekown-Do Federation, if you desire.

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